practice documents and consent forms

Before we begin our work together, it’s important I have all the necessary documents signed by you or your caregiver(s).

Please download each form and email your completed documents to



Click here to download my intake form.

consent forms

Click here to download my informed consent.

Click here to download my health information consent.

Click here to download my telehealth consent form.

Click here to download my notice of privacy practices.

Click here to download my release of information form.

Click here to download my consent to treatment of a minor form. (Only necessary if the client is under 18)


Frequently asked questions



How long is a session? How often are my appointments?

Individual therapy sessions for adolescents and adults are 45-50 minutes. Family sessions can be between 45-90 minutes.

Appointments are weekly, especially for new clients. After some progress has been made, the therapist and client will agree to reduce sessions slowly until therapy is no longer needed.

Who Consents for Therapy with Minors?

Most therapists prefer consent from both parents prior to treating minors whose parents are separated or divorced. If there is a question in cases of shared custody about the authority of one parent to give consent for treatment, the therapist may ask for a copy of legal documentation, such as the custody order, prior to treatment. In some cases a third party signature, such as a social worker, may be required before treatment can begin.

What can I expect in my first session?

In the initial consultation session, we will discuss your concerns, evaluate your needs, and give you a good sense of what we believe maintains your current problems. Together we will then explore therapeutic approaches that may help with the challenges you face and start to outline goals and a treatment plan.

How does confidentiality work with a minor?

According to California law, and the federal patient privacy law known as HIPAA, your child will need to give their consent for the therapist to disclose:

  • All mental health records for children age 12 and older.

  • All information concerning pregnancy, sexual activity, STD’s, abortion, and drug/alcohol use or abuse, regardless of the child’s age.

  • Any information that your child’s therapist believes, if released, could cause harm to your child or to someone else, or that would significantly harm the treatment relationship with your child.

    There are some important exceptions to confidentiality. As a mandated reporter, the therapist is legally obligated to report the following situations: Child abuse, elder and dependent adult abuse, the intent to harm, and suicidality.